Sunday, February 20, 2005

More on the Questionable CNN Gun Buy

The Smallest Minority wants to do a “blogswarm.” (I’m new to blogging, but I can guess what that means. Still, please bear with me. Up until a few days ago, I’d have said “fisking” is what they’re teaching Massachusetts public school kids to do):

TriggerFinger has done a great job keeping on top of this story:
*His letter to CNN
*For those having trouble viewing the CNN video...
*CNN Felony Gunswarm!
* ...and a straw purchase, too!
*The 1968 Gun Control Act
*CNN reporter commits a federal felony to get an anti-gun story


Anonymous said...

Hey, David, you're catching on fast here -- no surprise in that at all.

"Blogswarm" is pretty much just putting a name to what happens all the time anyway, except the intensity might be turned up a notch. Memes travel, and there's the "long tail" describe by Hugh Hewitt.

Anyways, thanks for the linkage. And, since I haven't mentioned it yet, great blog.

David Codrea said...

Thanks, Jed.

Dang. Now I gotta do a Google search on "meme."