Monday, January 09, 2006

"Free" Gun Locks

Project Child Safe is a nationwide campaign to promote safe and responsible gun ownership and storage and its right here in the East. Thousands of gun locks will be given away for free,no questions asked.
Well, I've got some questions...

Project Child Safe is one of those "public/private partnerships" between the National Shooting Sports Foundation and "governors, lieutenant governors, U.S. Attorneys, community leaders and law enforcement," that is, fascism. I guess they figure if they suck up to the parasites, nobody will try to put them out of business?

Oh, and as for the locks being "free" they're not.
It is supported by a U.S. Department of Justice grant and is a component of Project Safe Neighborhoods...

That means they're using money they take from you and me to help fund this thing.

And as for "Project Safe Neighborhoods," well, we all know who supports that...

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