Thursday, May 25, 2006

Mill Valley Schools to Institute Knowledge Control

Every year, physics teacher David Lapp brings his Korean War era M-1 carbine to school, fires a shot into a block of wood and instructs his students to calculate the velocity of the bullet...

The rifle demonstration would not even be an issue if an anonymous parent had not complained.
We can't have teachers being:

a. Independent-minded;
b. Innovative; and
c. Actually educating their charges.

Jeez, what do they think this guy's teaching, physics?

And the indignant worm of a "parent" probably "feels" totally justified...


Anonymous said...

The rifle demonstration would not even be an issue if an anonymous enuretic had not complained.

There; it is fixed.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I wish my high school physics teacher had piqued my interest in the laws of physics by performing such experiments.

Hopefully the teacher can take the exercise off school property and turn it into a "field trip."

Anonymous said...

Why are you attacking Mill Valley Schools? Tamalpais High School is in Mill Valley but not part of the Mill Valley School District. Tam High is part of the Tamalpais High School District. The principal at Tam High as previous ones have done have approved this demonstration since 1992. No parents have complained until this one. I took the course, the demonstration is great! As is the course.