Sunday, February 18, 2007

Why She's Poor

"They say this country is so rich, but why are so many people living paycheck to paycheck, just one week from being in the street?"
While not gun rights-related, this has all the elements employed by the gun banners, that is, blaming everything BUT poor individual choices and abdication of personal responsibility. It really is a very good essay by The Free Citizen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe that gun banning and the welfare state are both expressions of the same principle of left-wing philosophy: anti-individualism. In their war against individual freedom, the left fears and must destroy our independence as human beings. Dependence being the opposite of independence, they must deprive us of our individual responsibility (whether that be to defend ourselves or to provide for ourselves) and make us dependent on the state.

(The Free Citizen tried to enter this comment but CAPTCHA was being persnickety, so I entered it for him.--DC)