Monday, March 10, 2008

An Outraged Dan Liftman

An outraged Dan Liftman, a green-minded aide to U.S. Rep. Alcee Hastings, took the clipping to the monthly meeting of Silver's crew...

"Scientific literature makes it clear that when someone engages in violence against animals, that person is more likely to commit violence against people."
There ya go, a blanket character smear from a guy who works for a former judge who was impeached and removed from office for soliciting bribes.

Hey hunters: Do you really think the antis will just go after EBRs and leave you alone?

Why don't we see if those democrat shills, I mean, great champions of "sportsmen," AHSA , will come out in full force defending hunting by helicopter...? How about it, Ray...?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder if this nutless wonder knows this is a far better indictment of those psycho animal liberation nuts?