Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tit for Tat in St. Paul

The RNC Welcoming Committee (RNC-WC), an anarchist and anti-authoritarian organizing body based in the Twin Cities, announced today that it has ordered tasers for each of its members and friends. The announcement comes on the heels of last month’s St. Paul City Council approval of a St. Paul Police Department (SPPD) request for 234 tasers.
I doubt there's a word of truth in it, but that's actually a pretty funny and creative response--for a bunch of commies.

[Via MacEntyre]


Anonymous said...

"Capitalism: A Capitalist system values profit and material greed above everything else. The bosses own the machines and coerce profits out of the workers. They use their monopoly on wealth and control over institutions of force (the police) to pay the lowest possible ‘wages’. Capitalism is a distortion of the market to provide privileges to one class at everyone elses’ expense. This is the current economic system in almost the entire world."

I'm not sure this definition holds for most economic systems, but I don't see their alternative.

Hasn't the "Free Market" created the most wealth for the most people?

And, as always, as long as there is sin, there will be those that take advantage of others. That does not speak to the system, but to those individuals.

Kent McManigal said...

It is sad when communists try to co-opt the name "anarchists" for their decidedly NON-anarchist group. They simply want to get rid of the current rulers and replace them with thier own rulers. That isn't "anarchy".