Monday, March 24, 2008

Welcome Back

You guys see anything you like?

Why is it when I write you directly I never get a reply? Just because I say I intend to post it? If I can repeat an often-used question, if you're not doing anything wrong, what have you got to hide?

Hey, one other thing I'm wondering: what do you think those custom-engraved Leatherman tools will bring on eBay?


Looks like they're building their "case"! Here's what they're pinning their hopes on. Do you realize what this means is that someone actually looked up related posts with the intent of seeing if they could come up with a charge worth pursuing?

This is just plain creepy that vindictive little reptiles like these have any place in American government.


chris horton said...

Welcome back, our beloved Trojan Horse! YUCK!!

Anonymous said...

There are many of us working in the government who are rabid 2A supporters. If you checked my IP it would show that I'm at work as I post this. I guess I'm trying to say that this could simply be a bored gov employee.

David Codrea said...

Ian, there is a history behind this not only here but also at Red's blog and some others, with the links going many times to specific BATFU-related entries--we have written about this several times in the past, hence the title "Welcome Back."

That said, check the personal use policy where you work--you may get in a lot of trouble for recreational surfing, and as an unwilling tax cow, I must say I'd have felt a lot better had you clarified you were doing this on break or lunch time rather than because of implied boredom.

David Codrea said...

Check out the update--still think someone is just bored? Or that WoG has a "rabid 2A supporter" ally in the DoJ?

Stephen said...

David, welcome back!

I can say this, You have a bunch of pro 2nd amendment attorneys beside you. Please let me know what I can do should you need something.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Trojan Horse!!

Can't these nazi assholes be specifically identified and fired nor sued for exceeding their authority?

Seems to me the proper thing to do if a government employee is overstepping his jackbooted bounds and using the color of authority to intimidate "the press" let alone the mere subjects, is fire them and see that they never work in this town again.

Can't these cowards find work in russia or saudi arabia?

File a complaint with the proper inspector(s) generals demanding an investigation and follow up - meet intimidation with the proper civic force and disdain. These assholes NEED EXPOSURE.

Second amendment supporters can not be the only persons these thugs seek to intimidate - These asshole are EXACTLY the type of short bus brainiaks that should never supervise a dishwashing crew let alone have a badge

Fight islam Now

Stephen said...

Check their IP address against the Wiki IP finder and see if they have been doing any page updating lately.
