Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Compare and Contrast

Here are two stories out of Tennessee handled two different ways:

A 19-year-old clerk was killed Monday night after two men robbed the gas station where he worked, shot him and left him for dead in the middle of the street outside, Metro police said.
A would-be robber at an Inglewood liquor store was shot and killed Saturday night after a customer opened fire, Metro police said.
Not that it would do any good to show this to an anti-defense zealot--they'd just seize on what could have happened, as opposed to what did.

[Via Blackshirt]


Stephen said...

And if you read the comments of the defenseless and armed stories:

Defenseless one:

More gun and drug control!!!

Armed one:

Way to go! One less bad guy! etc....

GunRights4US said...

This comment is addressed towards the ARMED segment:

[with great sarcasm] Where oh where did the customer get the necessary training to discern that a) the gunmen were bad guys, and b) they needed to be exterminated? Surely only the "Only Ones' must go through years and years of intense training allowing them to make such tough calls!

Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

For the "armed" story, I notice the paper put their own spin on things.

"During the robbery, a customer took out a handgun of his own and began a shootout, Imhof said.

Not a neutral phrase like "fired on the robbers" or anything similar, but "began a shootout," a phrase that conjures images of hollywood style gun battles in the streets. Also notice the "Imhof said" closing the sentence. This was not quoting Imhof. If it was, they would have used quotation marks. My guess is that he used a more neutral phrase, and the paper couldn't resist the opportunity "paraphrase" and paint self-defense in the worst light they thought they could get away with.

Anonymous said...

A "robbery gone bad"...for the robber.