Monday, April 21, 2008

Looks Like the Fresh Meat Has Arrived

I think weapons should be only allowed for police and army, the people who are in charge of protecting a country, unfortunatly, the NRA lobbies o much with politician, and has too much power. One day you will need, for the safety of all of you, to separate yourself of your guns.

C BOSSY, A french student who doesn’t like weapons…

This isn't a set-up? Or one of our guys being cute?

If you choose to reply, please remember you are representing gun owners in front of an audience inclined to judge us all by your words. As tempting as following initial instincts might seem...


John Hardin said...

I responded:

"Don’t you all think that carrying guns should be forbidden?"

No. We think that someone who misuses a gun should be punished severely. We believe in the principle of personal liberty, and part of what that means is people shouldn't be punished for what other people do. Saying I can't possess some object because someone else hurt others with it punishes me, deprives me of my personal liberty, for something I did not do and have no intention of ever doing.

"Every year in your country, people shoot other people in cold blood."

They are all criminals, and should be punished for their acts.

Note that this still happens in countries where restrictive firearm laws are in place.

We aren't advocating that criminals be allowed to carry arms. We are advocating that responsible, peaceful people - who do not shoot others in cold blood - be allowed to carry arms in their own self defense. These people do not "shoot others in cold blood".

Do you possess the ability to distinguish between criminals and non-criminals?

"All those lives could be saved if people couldn’t get an access to weapons."

Sadly, you can't un-invent firearms, or knives, or baseball bats, or lead pipes, or pointed sticks, or rocks, and that is what it would take. There is no law you could pass that would prevent access to weapons; restrictive laws merely mean that the only ones armed are the criminals who shoot people in cold blood, because they ignore those laws and get weapons anyway and take them where they aren't supposed to.

Weapons aren't the problem. Human nature is the problem.

"I think weapons should be only allowed for police and army"

That is called a "police state". We do not wish to live in a society like that.

Furthermore, the police have _no_ _legal_ _obligation_ to ensure the safety of any individual. Ultimately the only person responsible for your safety is you yourself.

As much as you may want to pawn that responsibility off on someone else, you cannot. If you wish to spend your entire life as a child, depending on and expecting others to look after you and take risks on your behalf to try to keep you safe, that is your choice. You have no right to make that choice for anyone else, to impose childhood on anyone else.

opaww said...

Sent a response, not that it will do much good. After all the French eat snails

chris horton said...

Escargot is some good eatin. try it.

Anonymous said...

Heh! That reminds me of a time my Dad and I sailed to Catalina. We ate at a French restaurant, and he said, "Why not try the escargot?" I replied, "O.K." Then he relented and asked, "You know what they are, don't you?" I said, "Yes, they're snails." Took the wind outta his sails, so to speak. And yes, they were good.

I responded to both Joedy and C BOSSY in one comment, and while I was polite, I let 'em have it with both barrels.

Fits said...

All your guns are now belong us.

David Codrea said...


There are snails on her plate.

Anonymous said...

You'd think in a fancy restaurant like this at the prices you charge you could keep the snails off the food....

Now bring me those toasted cheese appetizers you talked me out of...

Anonymous said...

The French are trying to calm down the Communist Chinese, who are upset at all the human rights protesting their Olympic torch runs attract. The French government (as distinguished from the French PEOPLE) has once again chosen the wrong side. Some Vichy-soise to go with those dead cephalopods, sir?

Anonymous said...

Here is what I wrote, and it wasn't laden with vituperation, but it wasn't careful of hurt feelings either. Don't know if it will make it:

To Joedy, I say only this. You are just where you need to be, in daycare. You are unwilling to accept the duties of an adult. Please never leave your daycare center. Stay in college your entire life, but be quiet. This discussion is for adults.

To the French student, how well is your plan working out in Darfur? How well does it work and did it work in Somalia?

For that matter, how well does it work in France? You know, that place where fires break out and the gendarmes won't go into those neighborhoods? How well did it work in France from 1939 to 1945?

If this comment seems emotional it is. It is an emotional response to all those anti-gunners who only offer emotion to bolster their arguments. All the facts dispute them. They have been exposed to all the facts, yet they persist in denial of truth to cling to comfortable emotion.

My emotion on this subject is not comfortable. Disgust is a very unsettling emotion. But unfortunately it is also unavoidable for a thinking man when dealing with self-inflicted stupidity in the service of cowardice.

Cowardice is the proper term. It is cowardly to refuse to defend your own life when you are the only one who can at the moment of attack.

It is evil to insist that others suffer the same limitations in defense of their lives to assuage your own guilt feelings about your lack of intestinal fortitude.

When we were children, it was our fathers' duty to protect us. And no respect was given to the father not prepared to do so. Nor was any earned. When we grew to adulthood that duty became ours, in defense of self and our children. No man unprepared to fulfill that task is worthy of respect. And you can be sure the evil among us will disrespect that man at every opportunity.

Those who advocate for only law enforcement and military to have arms are merely looking for a new "Daddy". That is hardly the mark of a mature and responsible adult.