Monday, May 19, 2008

And the Crowd Went Wild, Part II

...and they vowed to fight to the death for their cherished right to bear arms...
And who wouldn't believe that level of commitment from people who allowed themselves to be cowed into disarming at a "Celebration of American Values" so they could give two standing ovations to the potentate demanding it?


Stephen said...

That is just awesome! Tell someone you'll fight to the death for your 'cherished' right to bear arms, but before you go listen to said bastard, you disarm?!?

That's awesome.

Anonymous said...

The Amish have the right idea with SHUNNING. The attendees sent McCain exactly the wrong message.
What will they do at crunch time, Hefty-bag their guns and hand them to police with a wistful smile and saying "Oh, well, we tried"?

Anonymous said...

They will do that, defender. Then they will tell how they "fought" for their rights as 2A 'leaders', but pragmatism demanded they not risk anything. They will then go on to say "we need to keep working within the system until they hear us." Never realizing that they are being heard. That is why our side ridicules them, and the other side laughs at them.