Monday, May 05, 2008

"Assault Guitars"

I found a 4-year-old post featuring these last night in my meanderings. My initial reaction is they're pretty cool, but I have my doubts about their wielders being the best representatives for responsible gun ownership.

I'd love to see someone prove me wrong on that, but aside from Ted Nugent, I just don't see anyone from the rock world taking an advocacy leadership position--or anyone I'd want to.

For a group that supposedly challenges establishment conventions, you'd think you'd see more...I don't know...revolutionaries, and by that I don't mean the same tired old celebrity socialism. I guess for many, being a rebel is all just illusion, and it's easier to enjoy the ride--money for nothin' and your chicks for free and all that while the universe revolves around their navels.

I dunno. I'm starting to think maybe we need to ban these music hoses, with no legitimate artistic purpose but to deafen as many people as possible while they're spray-played from the hip...for the children.


West, By God said...

I'm all for cool looking guitars, but that one has the trigger behind the pistol grip, which doesn't make much sense to me. Doesn't affect how the guitar works, I guess.

Anonymous said...

You forgot to blame President Bush and Congress for allowing the AWB to expire, thus allowing for 20 and 30 note bursts.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you guys are listening to the wrong sort of music? The punk rock scene generally has a bit more appreciation for the possible solution of armed rebellion, and some bands know their history enough to say why.

Drop Kick Murpheys and, a bit older, the Clash, both have songs along those lines (just off the top of my head).