Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Lessons Learned the Hard Way

Because some times, as much as we'd prefer otherwise, there is no choice but to fight or die. How prepared are you?

[Via Plug Nickel Times]


Anonymous said...

An excellent reminder that there are people who think WAY differently from us, do NOT want to get along, consider dead victims a badge of honor, and that being a kind, gentle human being is sometimes a death sentence.
People who make Hannibal Lecter look like Mr. Rogers.
Why we have to keep them warehoused instead of sending them home to hell is, I guess, a measure of our civilized nature.
Sometimes they escape, though.
The difference between these guys and a mad dog is, the dog CAN'T CHOOSE NOT TO.

Anonymous said...

"The difference between these guys and a mad dog is, the dog CAN'T CHOOSE NOT TO."

An even bigger difference: most people recognize a mad dog when they see it and respond accordingly. Way too many people seem to not "believe" in the existence of mad men; they certainly don't act like they do.

It doesn't help that a mad man looks just like a normal guy and the fact that their numbers are small won't help if you encounter one of them when he's "in the mood" to do damage.

Anonymous said...

Problem is this letter has a lot of crap in it. While SOME of it is applicable to non-LEOs, most of it is not.

The writer also makes some bad assumptions based on bad training.

Yes, I have decades of experience, and yes I am hoping to find time to give it the fisking it deserves.

The core is to find a GOOD instructor. I don't care which art or cqb system they teach, the instructor is key.