Thursday, May 22, 2008

Something Wicked This Way Comes...

...and even Republicans are afraid!


[Via ChareltonHest]


Sean said...

I wonder what they're gonna say when they find out about powdered aluminum and steel, or aireated white flour, or steel wool, or 100lbs of cow flop, or corn husks and stalks that are fermenting? Oh, and ground-up ScotchBrite. Hydrogen Peroxide? Laundry Soap?Charcoal?Sawdust? It'll be an El Kabong moment.

Anonymous said...

Typical of the MSM, keep all of the sheep stirred up and clamoring for thier chains, pitiful.

Anonymous said...

They didn't buy that primer cord they used to set it off online I bet.

Anonymous said...

The "legal loophole" that makes the sale possible is called "farming".

I don't often use the term "journalistic malpractice", but this is a prime example -- supplying a blasting cap for dramatic effect is sort of like putting explosives in a gas tank to get the desired result.

Also: the chemistry applicable here used to be found in encyclopedias that a fifth grader could read.

Anonymous said...

This stuff is outrageously FUN!!!

Fight islam Now

Anonymous said...

No wonder gynecology is listed as the profession of utmost growth.

My yard hasn't exploded yet, and I treated it with that DAaaaaangerous stuff the last three years. Still didn't crowd out the weed, but the grass does eventually choke them out.

Uh oh, they'll probably list as a choking hazard too.