Wednesday, May 07, 2008

We're the Only Ones Impersonating Enough

A sadistic gang of police impersonators abducted and tortured scores of East Coast cocaine traffickers, forcing them to hand over multimillion-dollar stashes by threatening to squeeze their testicles with pliers, authorities said Tuesday.
How could they tell they were impersonators and not real "Only Ones"?

At least the imposters knew their victims have been conditioned to be afraid to "lift a finger."

[Via AvgJoe]


Anonymous said...

Goodness. Multi-millions of dollars worth of Prohibited drugs, despite the fact that one needs an advanced medical degree and a DEA license to handle such stuff?
Crime feeds on crime. What we resist, persists.
But, that aside, I guess real cops would have used Tasers instead of pliers. More their style.

Kent McManigal said...

Were the pliers marked "Always Think Forfeiture"?

David Codrea said...

Stop it, Kent. You made me snort V8 juice.

chris horton said...

Those Dominicans are a slick bunch of hoods, with big cajones!

Anonymous said...

Technically, since cocaine is a Schedule II drug, Defender is right. But only for those preparations used as a topical anesthetic. Pure powder in a kilo brick is still difficult to explain to the authorities.

I support making it legal, but only if I can summarily execute anyone who injures me or my family while high.

Anonymous said...

Actually, as I recall pure cocaine powder is a schedule 1 narcotic. Kilo bricks wold be tough to explain unless you were a wholesaler near a bunch of pain management clinics.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen anything that makes me tend to believe they were impostors.

Maybe, off duty? Then no stun guns, so back to the old procedures, maybe?

Or they could be impostors, but from their actions it is difficult to tell.