Thursday, May 29, 2008

We're the Only Ones Taking Tips Enough

Police said they made the arrest after receiving an anonymous phone tip that he was selling drugs.The caller contacted police at about 10 a.m. Tuesday to report that he had purchased drugs from a teacher at the high school named Abbott who kept a gun in his car, police said.
This story just isn't adding up.

An unloaded shotgun? Was it in the trunk?

Prescription drugs? Were they his?

"Marijuana packaged for sale"? Does that mean he had some in a Baggie? How much?

Why would he consent to a car search?

Why does it sound like the "tipster" is doing dirt to this guy for personal reasons? I mean, it's not like they were holding a slogan contest or anything.

And why do I get the feeling the "Authorized Journalists" are doing a bit of sensationalizing?

The "Only One" happy about all this is probably Wayne.

I'll be surprised if there's not a lot more to this story than what we're seeing here.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Anonymous Tipster was probably disappointed in the price, or with his grades or something.
Why would he turn in his own source? Why would a teacher hold and sell drugs AT school when a "tutoring" session could easily be arranged off-property?
Maybe he consented to a car seach because NONE of the contraband was his, it was planted?

The new Inquisition. So easy to ruin someone's life these days. And be called a good citizen and earn money doing it.

Anonymous said...

Here's a slogan:

We want the supplier, not the small buyer. Doesn't matter if you're a LIAR,
'Long as we get to charge them today.
To show everyone that crime doesn't pay.
Unless you're an informant.
So don't stay dormant;
Comrade, turn in a comrade right away!

Anonymous said...

something stinks about this story.

Fletch said...

When I became aware that the teacher's ex-wife and her (supposed) new boyfriend were persons of interest in the case, I realized they were pursuing the "set up" angle.