Tuesday, May 20, 2008

When Bats are Outlawed...

The family of a boy who suffered brain damage after he was struck by a line drive off an aluminum baseball bat sued the bat's maker and others on Monday, saying they should have known it was dangerous.

This is tragic. It is heartrending.

But the family's reaction is horribly misdirected and deserving of condemnation.


Anonymous said...

Every year dozens of young children are cut down/injured in the prime of their lives by sports related mayhem, never to grow up, to have a family, to enjoy life. Sports are dangerous and need to be outlawed. I know a lot a people say 'Sports build character' but how many of the children have to die or suffer live altering injury so selfish people can build character. There must be other less dangerous ways to stop the carnage. OUTLAW SPORTS. If it saves the life of just one child it will be worth it.

chris horton said...

At least the lad had a chance to be a boy, sad he got injured.
But the Parents should now be locked up. After all, it was THEIR descision to let him play.
Geez, nothing like putting the blame and pointing the finger where it doesn't belong!!
Must be feeling guilty......

Anonymous said...

In point of fact, Chris, this woman is probably feeling agonies of guilt.

Nothing will assuage her pain, even though time may blunt it, but You and David are both right... this suit has no merit, and both she and her lawyer should be sanctioned and required to pay all legal costs involved.