Monday, June 02, 2008

Bill Daly, Former FBI Investigator

His arguments in a nutshell: The answer is not more guns, the "Only Ones" are the only ones because they are so highly trained, and armed non-"Only Ones" will confuse these highly trained "Only Ones." Also, all young people are a bunch of irresponsible drunks.

Or some such foolishness.

It figures.

The guy is now a honcho with Control Risks Group, a well-connected global private security operation with a vested financial interest in propagating the mindset that only trained professionals are competent to protect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Their arguments are usually circular.
"We need to be able to protect ourselves more than the average person because our training makes us more valuable, more likely targets, etc."
What training?
"We're trained to protect ourselves."
A Star Trek novel had a similar question posed to Cadet Saavik. "If there's only room for one more person in a liferaft, would you, as a Star Fleet officer, preserve your valuable training by taking the seat?"
"Your argument is immoral in the extreme! The purpose of my training is to defend and protect those who are less able. Logic dictates that I would do so by allowing a civilian to survive instead."
There you go.