Sunday, June 29, 2008

Help Yourself!

General Sessions Court Judge Bob Moon said Friday that crime in Chattanooga "has become so rampant that it is no longer possible for the police department to protect our citizens."

He told a woman who had been pulled from her car and beaten in the head that she or her mother needed to "purchase a weapon, obtain a gun permit and learn to protect yourself."
Aw c'mon, judge--you know an attacker would just take it away and use it against her.

Why not give her some sound advice, like "give them what they want"?

[Via RCB]


Anonymous said...

Obtain a permit?

"Dear Master, I would like permission to protect myself. How much must I pay you in order to obtain a certificate that says I am allowed to do so?"

David Codrea said...

Come on, Robb, you're starting to sound like me, which means, so I've been told, you'll make us all look bad...

I think the new term being bandied about in more "pragmatic" circles is "principle fetishists" or "principle freaks."

You don't want to risk being a despised outcast from such sound and wise company, do you?

tjbbpgob said...

That phrase "principle freak" is a new one to me. Does it mean someone who is VERY PRINCIPLED and maybe a little sarcastic to boot? If so, then there also go I.

Anonymous said...

While I don't believe she should need a permit to obtain and carry the implements of self defense, it is refreshing to read of a sitting judge who proclaims from the bench that a citizen must be prepared to defend him/her self.

[sung to the tune of Me and Bobby McGee:]
Pragmatism is another word for nothing left for true.

Living was easy Lord when Sebby sang the blues for he and bended knee

Somewher near courage, Lord Sebby showed through
and paid for permission to look down on me and you.

Anonymous said...

Think Judge Moon knows about the Supreme Court ruling that the police aren't responsible for protecting citizens? Just some abstract concept called "society."
I'm not going to bust the man's chops. Sounds like he has SOME compassion for the little people. What are the qualifications in Tennessee for a permit to save your life, and can she afford the fees, time off from work during government office hours to apply and collect her little card months later after passing the investigation? Can she afford a decent gun and the mandatory training, if any?
Not so simple. Simpler than in DC, but still INFRINGEMENT.
I wouldn't want to be the next one to attack her, though, for sure.