Thursday, June 05, 2008

The More You Mis...

...demeanor you get.

Look, I hope no one thinks I'm picking on poor Dennis Farina. Were it up to me, he could carry his guns all the live-long day.

It should be clear what I object to is special treatment for "Only Ones" and elites. If they're not under the same pressure we are, if they have their place at the table, there's no incentive for them to give a damn about what happens to those of us on the outside looking in.

One other thing this development tells me is his former cop status has not automatically conferred upon him an automatic license to carry, as some have speculated.

[Via Dave Licht]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But David, the pragmatic among us will tell you that it is wrong to wish the ills of a corrupt system on those who enjoy its benefits. If it isn't right to do to us, it isn't right for us to wish it on them. At least, that is their stance openly, closely held and never admitted to is the cowardice that allows them to not draw attention to themselves by those beneficiaries of the corrupted system.

Pragmatism to any great degree requires a shallow intellect and an even shallower well of morality.

I have time and again said what you have. That until they live under the system they apply to us there can be justice, for there is no incentive for bad or weak men to change if they are the beneficiaries of exemption.

For that, more than once, I have been called a moralizing prick. Oddly enough, by people who have no idea what a moral is, but can be pragmatic as all hell.

And some of them are afraid of me or the words.

Good luck on getting understanding of your point.