Thursday, June 26, 2008

Wading Through Tyranny

A Queens dad trying to beat the heat at Rockaway Beach was arrested and hauled off in handcuffs - while his family and friends looked on - for wading ankle-deep, into the water.

Let me get this straight--it wasn't safe because all the Aqua Teen "Only Ones" were still in school?

But...but...what could "authorities" have done?

Oh, gee, I don't know...

If only average people were competent enough to wade. Thank goodness we have water control laws, and public servants to enforce them! And if you and I can't be trusted with the substance that covers 2/3 of the planet's surface, wouldn't it be insane to let us get our hands on guns?

Just remember: They hate us because we're free!

I wonder what the cops would have done if a fed up citizen, sick and tired of all the stupid rules and being told what to do, had waded in and joined the man, followed by another and then another...?

That could be an interesting metaphor. I wonder who would be the ones to find themselves up to their necks in it, and ultimately in over their heads?


Anonymous said...

Just "enforcing the law", same as Adolph Eichmann, or the tank commanders in Tiennamen Square.

Boy do I feel fucking safe now.

Anonymous said...

Did you guys read some of the comments? Most were against the police, but a few were from pure boot licking fools. I can't understand how they can even call themselves Americans.

Anonymous said...

He looks like a big, muscular guy. I can see it. Cops in pairs or larger groups (makes them brave): "'ay, lookit dis guy. Looks like Toe-nee f--in' Soprano. Let's f-- wid him. Might be ouwa onlee chantce."

me said...

Hey, just be glad that the antis have finally gone after a larger source of child deaths...water!

I think on the froth of July I'm going to do something extra special.