Wednesday, July 09, 2008

The People's Princess

1894C touched on an important point when he commented on yesterday's "Dear Abby" post:
Yeah, SHE uses a $447 million dollar bankroll to deny Americans their Divine right of self defense and it's about the people's will.
But the WaPo kept portraying her as "the mom behind the movement" and a "stay-at-home mother of two." The brief mention about her buying influence with royal wealth was buried in the second page.

Gunbashing "Authorized Journalists" pulled the same crap several years back trying to convince everyone that Million Mom March founder Donna Dees Thomases was an "apolitical housewife" instead of a wealthy and connected democrat political operative.

Henceforth, WarOnGuns will refer to Ms. Spangler as "The People's Princess."

1 comment:

jon said...

let her bake the People's Bread.