Sunday, August 24, 2008

In a Perfect World

"Of course, in a perfect world there'd be no guns, but you have to live in the world that exists."
I dunno, Brandon--in addition to their protective benefits, they're kind of fun, and shooting offers a great opportunity for cameraderie, be it with family, friends, or even strangers.

I guess a perfect world is in the eye of the beholder.

But you're on the right track with sensing a need to defend yourself and your family. Listen to those instincts. Follow them and learn.

1 comment:

Kent McManigal said...

In a perfect world, tools would not be used against other people. And wisdom teeth wouldn't exist, death would be a myth, and perpetual motion would power civilization.

Perfection is a fantasy, but reality doesn't have to be too bad if you accept it and live with it without trying to control everyone else around you.