Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Law for YOU

Citizens who fail to report a lost or stolen firearm within 24 hours can now be fined up to $1,900.

Repeat offenders will face another steep fine or 90 days in jail.
And, as I continue to remind whoever will listen, the violent predators doing all the shooting will be exempt from the requirement.


Anonymous said...

What of the 5th amendment and self-incrimination?

Anonymous said...

The Bill of Rights has been voided by Presidential dictate, sir.

It's legal because nobody cares about checks or balances any more.

Anonymous said...

I would think that your Fifth Amendment rights would be a strong motivator to not report. It's a 'Gotcha!', though. The next step is to check your gunhistory to see what you purchased. They'll find out about the missing ones. Remember that you're leaving a paper trail of forms, especially if you live in a state like mine, which has its own transfer log. Also remember that every NICS check contributes to a count.

See that? Citizens who are robbed are "irresponsible". They had better defend what's theirs with sufficient force, or risk being "irresponsible".

Anonymous said...

Wait! Remember the oh-so-significant Heller decision, and "victory after victory" won by Gun owners nationwide?

We better get right on this great injustice using only the courts and dialogue. Surely they will come to their senses?

/thats extreme sarcasm, folks...

Texas Shooter
Member, Merry Band III

Anonymous said...

Texas Shooter, it's the pragmatic thing to do.