Sunday, August 24, 2008


An immigrant suspected of being in the United States illegally - freed after being shielded from possible deportation by San Francisco officials despite committing two gang-related assaults as a juvenile - faces charges that he tried to stab a man to death last year in San Mateo County, authorities say.

From the city that says you must be disarmed.

The real criminals are running the sanctuary.

UPDATE: Oh, look, even more...


Anonymous said...

That's because liberals hate America and using illegals to destroy this country is just one of the many tools they have in their bag of tricks.
The other big one that Nancy, who reps San Fran in fact is using with her liberal buddies in the house of reps is no drilling. This is being done to destroy this country by removing its wealth. Follow this boys because its a fact in stone. 95 percent of all oil on the international markets is nationalized oil. Most of these countries are run by freedom hating rulers. Last year there was a 700 billion dollar transfer of wealth from this country to these freedom hating rulers. The liberals right from the 60's have always said they need to destroy this country and start over. They plan on borrowing the money to rebuild this new America from these freedom haters. Of course there's already back room deals cut to get all of this going. However the bottom lines is what's very wrong and bad for America is what the liberals are all about. Now if they can just disarm the American citizens so their goons don't get cold feet enforcing their NWO laws everything will be peachy.
By the way/ we have all seen liberals go after Big Oil, with big oil only being 5 percent of the international oil, sure makes Big Oil not look like the monster liberals play it off as.

Anonymous said...

Gavin Newsome is an accessory to murder. It is as simple as that.