Sunday, August 31, 2008

Stripping Kwame Down to the Basics

The mayor, his police chief and numerous other city officials have denied that any such party took place. The city’s chief prosecutor dismissed the claims as “urban legend”. Yet since Yatooma took up the case last autumn, several police officers have come forward to claim that they were intimidated into silence about parties they knew to have taken place at the mayor’s home.

“I was ordered by my supervisors to keep my mouth shut and say that there never was any party,” declared Officer Tony Davis in a letter to Ella Bully-Cummings, the Detroit police chief, in March...

The police lieutenant initially in charge of the murder investigation quickly concluded that Greene had been specifically targeted by a contract killer. Lieutenant Alvin Bowman has since testified in a sworn affidavit that his attempts to investigate reports about the party and Carlita Kilpatrick’s alleged involvement were blocked by the mayor and his staff.

“Every witness . . . felt intimidated against coming forward,” said Bowman. “My squad would have solved Ms Greene’s murder but for the interference [of officials].”

Good ol' Mayor Against (Your) Guns Kwame!

You'd think the citizens would be descending on city hall in protest.

They are.


Kent McManigal said...

No wonder he is so afraid of honest gun owners.

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

. . . Ella Bully-Cummings, the Detroit police chief . . .

A police chief whose name includes the word "Bully"? Priceless!

Anonymous said...

Gonna be pretty hard to call this a racist event, isn't it? I mean all those angry white racists wanting kilpatrick out. All both of them in a crowd of hundreds. oops, one wasn't a man, the other wasn't a racist, he just doesn't like crooks. Oh well, they'll find a way to label it the "man" trying to put a black man down.

Anonymous said...

This is a solid reason to show that government needs to be reduced. This kind of crap goes on all over the country because government has too much power.