Friday, August 22, 2008

We're the Only Ones Capable of Keeping Weapons in Our Homes Enough

"If someone has a weapon in their home and ... it isn't secured, hopefully they'll recognize this as a chance to get rid of it and prevent a tragic accident or have it taken during a burglary," he said.
Yo, Chief Hayes: I am so sick of this crap self-serving police officials like you spread around to disarm us while you keep yours.

Why are you automatically more capable than We the People at preventing unauthorized access to firearms? Why is your solution for us--and only us--to turn ours in?

Because you're some kind of super "Only One," with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men?


Anonymous said...

I wonder what the fallout would be to set up your own turn in station with a sign that states, "I might give you $100 for your unwanted firearm."

"Too many households have unnecessary weapons," said Romeoville Mayor John Noak.

I'm curious as to how he determined that any households have unnecessary weapons. I'm not really clear on what an unnecessary weapon is. If someone breaks into your home, any weapon that you have becomes necessary, which really translates into, they are necessary now.

I wish I had superior knowlege and wisdom. Perhaps I could start with a dictionary that defines, "unnecessary weapon".

Anonymous said...

The joke is most all of the people who work in government do so because they can't get a decent job in the private sector. Once they get in that government job it goes to their heads and they feel they are smarter than the average citizen because they are at the power source. One thing you can count on in many cases, cops like this one running his mouth in this story are full of themselves and don't have a clue that many of the citizens he sees as not being able to own firearms are far smarter than he is.

Anonymous said...

On target, Joe. You hit the X ring.

We'll spare bandwidth by not citing the MANY stories of cops' kids who find Mom or Dad's service sidearm loaded and holstered on top of the refrigerator and BANG. But we COULD... Safe storage is for peons; cops need access to their piece within a second because THEY MAKE ENEMIES.
Know what it takes to make an enemy these days? Have $10 someone feels should be theirs. Be old. Be young. Be handicapped. Be home. Be alive.

Anonymous said...

Chief Hayes should set the example by requiring all his staff turn in their service weapons, body armor, etc before heading home.

This policy would impact the large number of police weapons involved in a "tragic accident" or taken during a burglary.

Goose, meet Gander.

Anonymous said...

"Because you're some kind of super "Only One," with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men?"-David

And here I thought it was because he was an idiotic asswipe.