Monday, August 18, 2008

We're the Only Ones Replacing Fluids Enough

A convenience store videotape appears to show a sheriff's detective buying a sports drink shortly after his vehicle struck and killed an 11-year-old Kentucky girl as she crossed the street, a prosecutor said.

Why Gatorade? And why did Killings' commander allow a two hour lapse to test for alcohol?


And what's the deal with the fingerprints on the bottle, and why is the TBI testing the second bottle--if police believe the negative blood alcohol content test results?

[Via Ron W]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Gatorade was not even particularly helpful since it contains salts which retain fluids in the body. Plain water would have served better to dilute the alcohol.

The significant part is the two hour lapse, which allowed the normal body metabolism of the alcohol out of his blood to be flushed down the toilet.

Retired RN...