Saturday, September 06, 2008

I Want My EUTV

Adverts which use sex to sell or promote gender stereotypes could be banned by the EU
"Gender stereotypes" as defined by Jiang Qing/Elena Ceauşescu protege and ideological heiress (is adding the "ess" sexist?) Eva-Britt Svensson and her gang (gangette?) of humorless fascist harridan babes...

Here's how it works: We ban your freedom of expression under threat of armed government enforcement, and you believe we're removing a "straitjacket" that "restrict[s] individuals to predetermined and artificial roles that are often degrading, humiliating and dumbed down for both sexes."

Only then can we achieve "equality," not to mention a glorious future for the proletariat! Oh, sure, the commissars (and commissarettes!) will still have nubile mistresses in garters and underwire bras, but trust us--this is for your own good.

I shouldn't complain though--with the way Europe is going, I'm ready to hit the ground running with an EU-compliant ad campaign, like this one representing their fastest-growing demographic, Victorious Islam's Secret:

You don't think it might be a little too racy, do you?

And lest we feel overly superior, we ain't all that far behind...


Anonymous said...

In Egypt last week, a woman's two sons were hurt in a house fire. She drove them to the hospital despite the ban on women driving cars. The news story says everyone was amazed: "You DROVE here? YOU drove here?" They kept interrrupting the medical care to gawk at her.
In full burqa or chador or whatever they call them, only little viewholes for the eyes. At least not like in Afghanistan (where we're fighting for FREEDOM) where they have to have the lacework mesh hiding the eyes too. I guess Egypt must really BE progressive, like they keep telling us.
Hank Williams sang, in "The Coalition to Ban Coalitions, "Why can't everybody else leave everybody else alone?"
People who genuinely feel competent and empowered in their OWN lives are able to do that.

Sean said...

I agree, we ain't all that far behind. But anybody that makes slaves out of half their population (Moslems) is going to be that much easier to beat, after we weed out the gutless wonders on our side. When making a sword, the impurities must be beaten out and the steel put in the furnace, until all that is left is a weapon.

Anonymous said...

Yep WAY too racy. I'm pretty sure I can see some sexy ankle there...
