Wednesday, September 03, 2008

We're the Only Ones Malignant Enough

Yeah, plus the devil made him do it.

He's not the "Only One" to fight the disease. That excuse-making for evil is an insult to everyone who has fought cancer or lost a loved one to it and did not go on a "Bling Bandit" terror spree, that is, to just about everybody else.


tom said...

I had two colon cancer surgeries this year and own multiple firearms and it never once made me consider robbing banks. It just means I have had more time to post my views on the internet because I'm not working as much because I tire easily.

Anonymous said...

do you think maybe he wanted to get caught. He wore a ring that identified him as retired NYPD. As a former detective, he had to know better.

This may be a grab for free medical care as a ward of the state.