Saturday, September 20, 2008

We're the Only Ones Treating You Like Animals Enough

They treated us like animals. They were not there to protect and serve, they were there to search and destroy.
I guess I have to disagree here. If they'd treated you like animals, you'd be left laying in a pool of your own blood for hours--just like your dogs.

But they did treat you like terror hostages. Which is what you were.

Which makes Prince George's (Md.) County head "Only One" Michael Jackson a terrorist.

[Via Brian F]


Anonymous said...

Here's a line of thought. Every police officer has to take an oath to defend the state's Constitution and up hold the laws "so help me God".
So what do the cops do when they don't get their way with a new contract with any city? They make it known that they will not be handing out traffic tickets but for dangerous things like DUI etc. So police are willingly allowing laws to be broken right before their very eyes and are not enforcing these laws that they took an oath to uphold.
What all of this means is, any cop who gets on the stand in a court of law and takes an oath to tell the truth can't be trusted because they have already broken that oath for money, Greed! Every jury needs to hear that this officer has broken his oath before for personal gains. And yes arrest with conviction add up and pave the way for moving up in the rank and file as a police officer. So if they lie for money they lie for money. If they do it once they can never be trusted ever again.
It seems to me that we have a very serious problem with our justice system because we have folks who are known to have no honor to their oath in trusted positions.

Anonymous said...

That's more like it David! Make my blood boil when you post!