Friday, October 31, 2008

And There Was War in Heaven

Mike Vanderboegh and Jeff Knox are squaring off. WRSA has posted all links to the discussion thus far.

I'll have some comments as I find the time. Miles to go before I sleep and all that. It may be tomorrow.

Heat generated so far notwithstanding, they've both made points I believe are important to understand and consider. I'll explain when I pick up on this again.


Kent McManigal said...

Passions seem to be rising everywhere these days. It won't take a very big spark.

Anonymous said...

Knox the elder must be spinning in his grave.

One major problem with the pragmatists is that they state, and may believe, that we are acting within the framework set up by the Founders. This is demonstrably untrue. The masterful balancing of forces inherent to the original documentation has been modified and realigned to our detriment. It is not possible to regain our freedom through the courts, or legislation. I honestly doubt that a political entity as envisioned by the Founders can survive in a country as large as the current US. There are just too many id10ts who want to be taken care of.

me said...

I think Knox has a point. Actually, I think he's trying to make the same point I've attempted to make time and again that we have to be seen, to be heard.

Illegals took a day off what whatever they were doing here after breaking at least one law to go march and demand we hand the country over to them. They almost got their way.

When was the last time gun owners stood up en masse to demand we be left alone? No, our rattles all march to a different drum as we each argue this or that, divided as shooters, hunters, trap, cowboy instead of ALL standing up as gun owners and saying ENOUGH!

If you can't even get enough people to stand up without sticking their necks on the line you sure as hell aren't going to get enough to do anything besides get yourselves killed.

As they say on the internet, "screenshot or it didn't happen"

There MAY be some folks who stand up, but don't expect much sympathy from the population, especially without making every effort to appear peaceful and within the system. In fact, expect just the opposite as they'll turn snitch to be protected from "gun terrorists" every chance they get.

Are we just waiting for the law to be signed to do something that will be too little too late?

Maybe I'm just being a bit pessimistic.

chris horton said...

Hey Hobbit,
That's what the Prags have been saying.

What gives......

Sean said...

Anybody stepping out, to deal with what's coming, is going to feel pretty lonely. And afraid. When the actions and words of a brave man are seen, everyones' spine is stiffened. When the time comes, don't shrink, although every nerve may be screaming for you to do so. You have nothing to lose but your chains, and you will be in the company of the greatest men who ever walked the earth, live or dead. If you shrink from your duty, that is, duty to your G*d, your family, and your country, you will hate yourself until the day you do die. Love yourself a little, and just let go. I will not know what happened after I buy it, but I want to know, before I go, that I had what it takes. Again. III.

Chris said...

Chris Knox (Jeff's brother) here. And here are my thoughts on the current pissing contest, as well as Neal's perspective on the topic. Short version: Jeff's right. And Neal would back him up.

David Codrea said...

I have my response up today on this, Chris. You ought to read it before claiming with such certainty that you, your brother or your dad have cornered the market on being right.

Dismissing patriots as Walter Mitty is one of the most wrong things I've ever seen you write. And the more you spread that meme, the more dangerous you make things for all of us.

Anonymous said...

I've read most of what Neal has written over the years and think he would be ashamed of both of his get, rightfully so. Both of the boot lickers fit right in with the nra compromise and appease crowd and their ilk. Short version, I'm closer to Neal's age than the bootlicking offspring and may understand him better than the brats that ride his coat tails, he would not support treason.

Sean said...

You're right, Chris, I'm just Walter Mitty. I'm just an old,fat man in camoflage wheezing through the woods, play acting at being a patriot. I couldn't possibly have a positive effect on anything, and my ideas and concepts are just rubbish. I am SO glad you came along to set things aright, and to demonstrate your superior intellect, casting us wannabe warriors into deep shade and the anonimity we so richly deserve. I can't tell you how glad I am to learn what a flake, what a nincompoop, what a blowhard I am. I can only pray that you will forgive my blustering someday, so that I may once again, bask in the glow of your radiant wisdom. Short version, If we need you, we'll call.