Saturday, October 18, 2008

This Day in History: October 18

On October 18, the Americans surrounded Chambly and began the attack with a cannonade barrage on the British stone fort. This alone proved adequately persuasive against the British. Maj. ?? Stopford, commander of the British force inside the fort, surrendered his garrison of 10 officers and 78 enlisted men of the Royal Fusilers. The fort also housed 81 women and children.

The American force confinscated military stuff including 125 stand of British arms, 6 tons of gunpowder, and 6,500 musket cartridges. They also confinscated foodstuffs including 134 barrels of pork, 80 barrels of flour, and s bunch of rice, butter, and peas. The sentimental trophy was the British regimental colors, which was sent to Congress. Conclusion: American Victory

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