Wednesday, October 22, 2008

We're the Only Ones...

...Honoring the Day (and Helping Ourselves) Enough
Peabody police officers will get 'holiday pay' if they work on September 11.
Oh, the humanity!

...Knocking About Enough
Salem police are investigating an arrest in which an officer is shown on video throwing a suspect to the ground.
Y'see, somebody else punched the cop, so this punk had it coming.

"Only Ones." And I like the way they get the "good citizen" in both videos saying just how great it all is.

[Via Brian F]


GunRights4US said...
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GunRights4US said...

Baaa Baaa Baaa

I'm not sure who sickens me more: The thug in uniform, or the sheeple that condone that behavior!

Anonymous said...

" members of his own department investigate those actions."

We find he acted within departmental policy...

AJ Kurpjuweit

Kent McManigal said...

LEOs have a dedicated throng of cheerleaders that exist only to worship every action those thugs take. They are not "sheeple" but are active predators every bit as vile as the thugs they support. I have even run into some who claim to be "libertarians" while they chant prayers to the thugs.

Anonymous said...

remind you of another video? it does me.

notice the cop told them to "get outta here", they were going, but as soon as the victim's back was turned enough he couldn't see the approaching assailant the cop grabbed him by the throat and took him down. But first he waited until the back was to him.

Sort of reminds me of the cop who when resisted by a sissy-punching transvestite at the jailhouse retreated just as fast as he could. But when the cross dressing pros sat back down and looked away he attacked him again.

Oh the brave boys in blue
are watchiing out for you
when they watch your back
its to time their attack

Oh the brave boys in blue
know just what to do
because they know their own
won't let them stand alone

Not the brave boys in blue
they can count on their "crew"
to hide and abide crimes
in department guidelines