Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Another Dangerous Felon to Disarm

A Pasco County man is facing charges after trying to run into his burning home to save his pets.
Yep--sounds like just the type you want to lay a felony rap on and forever strip of his right to keep and bear arms. And he did all that resisting "without violence."

So how'd his face get all marked up?

At least we know our lives are not ours, because if they were, they'd be ours to risk.

[Via Zachary G]


Unknown said...

A felony charge for obstructing the extinguishment of a fire?

They could have put the fire out with him inside or outside of the fire.

And please correct me if I am wrong, if the this gentleman owned his home (no current bank mortgage) and did not intend to collect insurance money, then the home is his and if he wanted it to burn he could burn it to the ground. It is his property, is it like when one burns a broken wooden chair etc etc.

Anonymous said...

In the old days they would have at most hand cuffed him and put him in the back of a car. Not today, the parasites must grow government and charging decent folks with felonies is business as usual.
These people in government believe they are our masters and have zero respect for us citizens.
The sad thing its going to get much worse before it gets better.

Anonymous said...

My gosh darn house is burning down!!! How can this day get any worse?!?!"

"Sir, we're from the government and we're here to help you!"

Anonymous said...

You forgot the open quote when editing imo.

David Codrea said...

I intended the message to be received by you alone.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but when it comes to my pets, I'd not have resisted passively.

PeTA terrorists also take note.

Sentenza said...

WTF is "resisting arrest nonviolently?"