Friday, November 21, 2008

"It's Not Your Money"

And he wonders why he lost.

The pity is, he wasn't bad on guns.

And naturally, his D-rated opponent was endorsed by all the right unions and the Sierra Club...

Message for Republicans: I don't suppose you could focus more on liberty and less on being Democrat-Lite?

Nah, I didn't think so...the conventional "wisdom," that is, the manipulation by "moderate" Fifth Columnists, is that they need to go even more toward the center.

Another pity. I would never expect people who perceive they have no representation or ability to resolve concerns to just accept the direction they're being pushed without at least some of them pushing back.

[Via Avg Joe]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The congressman slipped and let his thoughts come out. These thoughts are only talked about within closed doors in tight circles in Washington DC. These people believe we are "subjects" and subject to whatever they want us to be subject to.