Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Just Like Cleveland

Having others want to emulate you can be a good thing. It means they admire you or what you do, and want to be like you.

So who'da thunk Denver, of all places, would want to be just like Cleveland? Except in this case, well, you'll see...
Here's today's Gun Rights Examiner column. Tell a friend.


me said...

David, not sure if you caught this

Audio from a local radio show talking about this past weekends buy"back" in Cleveland.

It's a show with cops as hosts.

Anonymous said...

To be honest, native Coloradans (fourth generation and OVER) such as I could care less what happens in the Kingdom of Denver. It's a citadel unto itself, and whatever's "good" for it, King Hickenlooper believes it's good for the rest of the state.

Many square Metro Area miles encroached upon by reality, much like the Peoples' Republic of Boulder, those guys will just destroy themselves. They got the government they deserve, after all, and everything that goes with it.

"Okay, let the retards damn themselves - if that's what they really want. I'll just sit on my ranch, knock back a slammer, and watch the fireworks. Maybe then, the Johnny Jackasses from SoCal will finally split!"

On a clear day, one can see Denver's smog from Colorado Springs; I wonder if he can see the black plumes of burning tires from there, too.

Either way, during the tenure of the anti-christ, there won't be a dull moment!
