Friday, November 21, 2008

A Negative Maligner

David is so negative all the time...

Please don't malign ALL of the people in the Military and police forces...
Huh. Sorry if I give those impressions.

For the record: I am happy. I laugh every day with my kids. Hugs, kisses and "I love you's" are daily occurrences in my family. My favorite word is "puppies."

And as for the "maligning" charge, allow me to repeat something I've reminded WoG readers of several times--perhaps I need to put this in the sidebar:
The purpose of "The Only Ones" has never been to bash cops. The only reason I do this is to amass a credible body of evidence to present when those who would deny our right to keep and bear arms use the argument that only the police are professional and trained enough to do so safely and responsibly. And it's also used to illustrate when those of official status, rank or privilege, both in law enforcement and in some other government position, get special breaks not available to we commoners, particularly when they're involved in gun-related incidents.


Anonymous said...

Actually, a permanent sidebar for that might not be a bad idea. Most of us know that most cops are laying it on the line for the rest of us, while only a few arrogant cretins think they're better than us, but it would be good to have it there as a reminder, and good for someone new to the blog.

Kent McManigal said...

When cops stop deserving the bashing, I'll stop doing the bashing. That means when the "good cops" swiftly and finally crush those "few bad apples". Until then....

Anonymous said...

gotta go with Kent here, if a "good" cop tolerates the bad cops in his outfit and allows him to be covered for, or given special breaks when he breaks the law, or turns a blind eye when the bad cop oversteps his authority or abuses a citizen, and if he remains silent about transgressions by other cops, then the "good" cop is not. He is a bad cop, too.

Anonymous said...

I myself am retired military. I love other military folks. Have a huge respect for those currently serving. BUT, I took an oath to "Defend the constitution aginst all enemies foreign and domestic...". Police officers do the same. If a service member or police officer breaks that oath, that's where the "brotherhood" stops.

Anonymous said...

There's a law known as "misprision of felony."

If a police officer knows that another officer is committing felonies and he or she looks the other way, he or she is either a co-conspirator, or is breaking the law.

One can't look the other way to avoid learning the truth and remain blameless.

Too bad these laws don't apply to the Only Ones...