Saturday, November 01, 2008

We're the Only Ones Classified Enough

Information that would reveal a violation of the law may be properly classified as long as it is not deliberately classified for the purpose of concealing the violation, a federal judge indicated this week.
And how will we know if the "Only Ones" are abusing their power?

Sorry, that's classified. What do you expect, a government of checks and balances? Say, you wouldn't have anything to hide, would you?

And remember, they hate us because we're free!

[Via Carl S]


Kent McManigal said...

This is just another reason to separate the courts from the government. Judges should only be paid, in cases that pit an individual against "the state", when the state (or federal gov) LOSES the case.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps we could send Knox and others of like persuasion to talk to them and work with the system to fix this.

This is not a cheap shot. Herein lies the futility of their stated position.