Wednesday, November 19, 2008

We're the Only Ones Watching Children Grow* Enough

A former police officer, wanted on 20 counts of "encouraging child sexual abuse," has turned himself in. Investigators say the charges stem from images of child pornography found on computers he owned.
Hey, you know how some "Only Ones" like to kid around...

[Via Jeffersonian]

* And yet again...gosh, am I sorry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to say this, and I wish I didn't. As we know most cops today, except for size and age and steroids are screaming examples of arrested development. I know in the legal sense, all these rapes, abuses of women and pedophilia we keep hearing about being perpetrated by cops is wrong and punishable.

But psychologically are they not just operating on their own level of maturity and underdeveloped morality?

That being the case, should they not be locked away, never to breathe open air again? This kind of thing can't be cured. It can't be punished enough to cause them to cease such activity. Hell, ask them when they catch their pedarast competition. They'll tell you the same thing.