Friday, December 19, 2008

A Champion of Gun Control

We can learn all we need to know about this "champion" from a comment he made about the Clinton gun ban:
Anti-gun Sen. Howard Metzenbaum complained that the Clinton ban didn't go far enough, saying, "until you ban them all, you might as well ban none." But, it "will be a major step in achieving the objective that we have in mind," he said.

Today's Gun Rights Examiner column...

Tell a friend?


Anonymous said...

A rare moment of honesty.

Anonymous said...

Enemies of the United States Constitution. There is no such thing as taking an oath to support the Constitution and afterwards trying to destroy bits and pieces of it and still up hold your oath.
Here's a classic case of proof: If a person is giving a speeding ticket and he's admits under oath to going 36 in a 35 mph zone. He's guilty and the judge will fine him guilty. If they attack the Second Amendment and get away from the Founders words than they are criminals by breaking their oath. By the very same standards that they hold the citizens to.