Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Day the Earth Stood Still...

...managed to be even more offensive than the original subversive paean to UN rule/global disarmament.

What a piece of anti-human environmentalcase Hollywood crap. The only reason I saw it was to see if I could get a magazine piece out of it, and I just may be able to.


Anonymous said...

As ardent sci-fi fans, wife and I went to this along with our 19yo daughter and her boyfriend.

Terrible movie, even ignoring the one world, US evil, humans are killing the planet preachiness. All they have is their 'moral'.

Hey, I love nature, and clean air/water. I fear we are in danger of ruining our own habitat, but I think it is the height of arrogance to suppose that the human species can 'kill' the planet. This planet will be around long after we are dust and no trace of our passage exists.

Small inane details were attended to, such as the protagonists choice of a hybrid car, but how about a decent script and a bit of logical consistency? (first complaining that humans were 'killing' the planet then later consoling the young child about the death of his father being merely a transformation).

SamenoKami said...

My son went and didn't like it just because. He didn't see the underlying propaganda message. When asked what the original was about, I summed it up as a feel-good, let's all have peace movie. I like sci-fi stuff but I'll pass on this one. It'll probably be a mediocre money maker due to not enough action (according to my son.)