Sunday, December 07, 2008

Doing the Job "Authorized Journalists" Won't

It will be interesting to see how the Odessa police react to the trap into which they walked. I suppose they could try to press criminal charges of some sort, but if Cooper and company are telling the truth, all they did was engage in perfectly legal activity and wait for the police to misinterpret the situation, probably through the use of illegal search techniques backed by fraudulent claims made to secure a warrant. Under the circumstances, any attempts at retaliation are just going to dig a deeper hole for the local authorities.


I love it.


Anonymous said...

You can bet this is going to cost he taxpayers a lot of money and the parasites will walk away without losing a dime.
If justice were served we would see parasites losing everything they own and their freedom as well.
Ain't going to happen.
Nevertheless, this is a classic example that these people are not decent Americans and are not our fellow citizens.

Kent McManigal said...


Anonymous said...

Now, how can we apply this lesson to the ATF? ;-)

Kent McManigal said...

ATF would just shoot you and get medals for it.

I'd only put dummies in the house.

Anonymous said...

AveJoe- don't waste sympathy on the taxpayers. They- We - deserve to be absolutely bankrupted as accessories to the criminal actions of the corrupt dotguv criminal cabal. Yup, we got the government we deserve, and we deserve it good and hard for our failure to control it.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about the citizens getting what they have coming to them. We have been subject to a very slick operation run from government to the media to dumb down the population and get people drinking Kool Aid. That would be like stealing a few bucks out of a blind man's tin cup and saying he had it coming for not putting it in his pocket. Criminals have no rights to take advantage of decent folks. Even if they are fat, dumb and happy.

Anonymous said...

How dare you question our flawless legal system!

tom said...

I bet those cops that stepped on their peckers really really were from Crane, not Odessa.

Might have to have lived out there to get the reference...

Anonymous said...

Cooper's website has been suspended...totally not linked, im sure

Anonymous said...

I spoke too soon, it seems that his traffic has exploded. I wonder what could have made me think that a scumbag "only one" would have had something to do with it.

Anonymous said...

I grew up in Odessa. Odessa's Finest deserve the best prosecution possible followed by the best possible assignment in Huntsville.

This story is too funny!


Anonymous said...

"what do you say to those who say this is just a publicity stunt" asks the reporter- what a TOOL! The whole point is to publicize the ongoing shenanagens, violations of due process etc. Pffft.