Saturday, December 06, 2008

Interior Announces Final Firearms Policy Update

Everybody's trumpeting the great victory, and many of you have sent me this news.

I haven't done much with it because it personally does not make one bit of difference to me.


chris horton said...

Agreed. I've never thought it was a matter of asking,anyone!

"Please,Mother,May I?"



Anonymous said...

That is the problem exactly.
If you allow the govt. to give you a 'right' then you allow them the power to take it away.

Anonymous said...

It's a huge victory, but it still screws those of us who live in states where we are more worried about large carnivores, than two legged predators. Because if the only weapon I am allowed is a handgun, rather than my rifle or a slug loaded shotgun, I simply am not going.

me said...

Never mind the fact that they really don;t have any authority to HAVE parks federal parks.

It still means you have to ask for permission to be armed. I must assume that the predatory animals who make their home there have been given permission already as they still have teeth, claws, antlers...some openly carried.

Issue 13 is a riot. The hoplophobe issue. Limit others rights so we can feel better. How'd that work out for grizzly man?

Regulatory flexibility act? Is that the one that gives "only ones" more flexibility in punishing each other? Is anyone else sick after reading all the BS that this won't affect? Like the small biz fairness crap, why is that a law?

It's still bull and limits the rights of folks. If anyone knows a good lawyer and is willing to donate some cash I'll go carry open.