Monday, December 01, 2008

We're the Only Ones Straight and True Enough

"It's purely an issue of safety," Woznick said. He said he isn't able to test residents "to make sure that their aim is straight and true."
We all know average citizens are just too incompetent to safely handle dangerous and powerful assault air rifles. Besides, with all the documentation we've amassed here at WarOnGuns, what kind of squirrely person wouldn't place total faith in the "Only Ones" to protect their nuts?

You gotta wonder who would know if somebody just took care of the nuisance by themselves on the sly...

[Via MacEntyre]


Kent McManigal said...

It's purely an issue of "control".

jon said...

no legs left on that horse. move to india, "officer."

W W Woodward said...

Just for information:

Texas "only ones" are required to demonstrate only 70% proficiency with their on-duty firearms. The required annual proficiency demonstration of 50 rounds of duty ammunition requires that the officer cannot miss more than 15 rounds and still maintain firearm qualification. 70%? Straight and true?

j said...

Does anyone remember the scene in Braveheart in which the King, on the edge of the battlefield, gave the order for the royal archers to loose a few volleys of arrows into the melee? His Captain objected, Sire, if they do that, they will hit our own men! And the King replied, with Clintonian wisdom, Well, yes, but we'll hit THEIRS as well! So you see the bright side? If the Only Ones do miss with 15 rounds, they will still more or less hit the general area of their target with the other 35 rounds. That should make you feel safer... especially if you're in a crossfire!

Anonymous said...

The Founders specified no competence tests to exercise a right. They realized that there would be those who spoke and wrote badly, shot badly, and so on. The Bill of Rights is there especially to protect THEM.
Those who think Founderthink is obsolete in light of the new paradigm ... are mistaken.

Anonymous said...

Jeez, you should be able to protect your livelihood from RODENTS (the four-legged AND two-legged ones).