Friday, January 16, 2009

The Bipartisan Homeland Security State

Now, in the name of bipartisanship and national unity under the rule of the Sainted One, even His Holiness Barack Obama, we're likely to see a synthesis of the worst elements from both the Bush and Clinton eras. [More]
I'd go so far as to substitute "likely" with "certain."

[Via Ron W]


Roman Con said...

First time at WOG. What's a 3%-er? The Restoration? Any recommended reading? Just finished Rawles' Patriots.



Anonymous said...

Knowing the economy as I do and charting it. I say with certainty that the economy is going to blow up in their faces.
Little do people understand that the US government bond market is one hundred times larger the everything on Wall Street. And that bubble is about to burst. Once it does look out and right before it does get out of Dodge if you think you are seen as a pest to the state.
The changes and problems are going to be beyond anything this country has seen before. The key to getting out country back is to shut down the parasitic system that so many parasites live off of by screwing decent, hard working and productive American.

Anonymous said...

"Unintended Consequences" by John Ross begins by describing some little-known aspects of the gun culture. The freedom to buy, own and use. The skill that could be attained and amazing feats of marksmanship that today would be on those reality shows and leave people stunned. The gradual encroachment on that freedom using laws translated from the GERMAN(hint, hint). Then the story really begins, with firearms and liberty enthusiast Henry Bowman witnessing a black-bag job by the ATF on a gunsmith friend's home. He takes action.
Three percent of the population took action and won the Revolutionary War against their oppressors, the greatest military power of the day. Three percent would be enough if that ever becomes necessary again. Today that would be about a million citizen-soldiers, members of the unorganized militia, which is the entire population.
But I'll step aside and let the leaders of the Threepers speak.

Anonymous said...

Holder is AG. Obama bin Biden is president and VP. God is writing this nation's epitaph.

Anonymous said...

Defender, that would be 9 million but who's counting.

Anonymous said...

RC - a 3%-er is shorthand for the estimated percentage of our population who simply will NOT disarm, under any circumstance, and who are willing to fight if/when it comes to it.

Unfortunately, I wish they were as resolved to fight when the 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendments are assaulted, as has been happening at warp speed during the "war on terra."

Recommended reading?

William Grigg's blog over at

Grigg's blog is a wealth of information on just how far down the slippery slope to totalitarian hell we have come, and in particular he understands that it truly has been a bipartisan assault. The last eight years under Bush has been disastrous for our Constitution and Bill of Rights - with Bush putting into place the structure of a police state which Obama will use on us.

Also recommended is anything by James Bovard and Claire Wolfe.

David Codrea said...

Click on the "Absolved" graphic in my sidebar.

Click on Sispsey St. Irregulars in my WoGroll.

Read and learn.