Monday, January 19, 2009

Compelling Connectivity

With millions of Americans now buying guns like never before, one interesting news analysis organization is matching numbers, it seems, for what the armed citizen is really all about, and how he or she plays a powerful role in all our freedoms.

"’s regular columns to balance anti-gun programs are reaching growing audiences," National Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea said today. [More]

I'm continually asking regulars here to help spread the word about the Gun Rights Examiner effort. Here's a press release you can use to help spread the word.

As I said in today's column:
With the advent of the most anti-gun administration imaginable, and with anti-gunners licking their chops at the prospect, I hope you agree how urgently this message is needed. I hope regular readers of this column, and of the columns in Cleveland, Los Angeles and St. Louis agree-- that it's worth a moment of your time to act as force multipliers and help spread the word.

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