Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ban Books

For the children... [More]

Y'know, if we don't make the perfect the enemy of the good, and if we realize politics is the art of the possible, and, darn it, knock off the extremism and work together, I'll just bet we can turn this around!

Who's with me...?


Anonymous said...

SOMEHOW, our grandparents and great-grandparents survived without the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the FDA. They might have had three or four of these books -- all the family could afford -- that they treasured and read over and over and over. Yet, SOMEHOW, they lived long, healthy, productive lives.
It appears that the clanking and hammering we've been hearing since 1993 is the construction of two halves of a federal beartrap, and the jaws have begun to spring shut. Import of guns from Europe, "export" to Mexico, lead in ATV paint, lead in ink. The BANwagon rolls. We'll be the healthiest, longest-lived SLAVES ever in history.

Anonymous said...

You mean....? You hate the children???


Anonymous said...

"We'll be the healthiest, longest-lived SLAVES ever in history."

don't slaves usually produce something?

Anonymous said...

Surely, this was unintended. Right? What about textbooks? Which version of history to you get to keep? This is OBSCENE!

Anonymous said...

Actually, the issue is not lead, it is phthalates. Lead is just the warning shot across the bow.

Can you spell phthalates boys and girls?
