Thursday, March 05, 2009

Tea Time

America is on the brink of another revolution. [More]
I'll say. I sure hope the oppressors are impressed with the civil kind.

Anybody ever figure out if the Masters will view mailing a teabag as a terrorist act, warranting the attendant armed kidnapping and or destruction if you don't want to be beaten and dragged off...?

[Via Texas Spitfire]


Sean said...

Yeah, that'll scare Prez.Kimbas goons a lot.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why the talking point "revolution" keeps being thrown in with these articles. More people protested the war in Iraq back in 2003. These people are disempowered, just like liberals, no one is going to start shooting.

Anonymous said...

If my recollection serves me right, back in the late 20th century someone started a "teabag" mail in the IRS. The gov't quickly made mailing ANYTHING other than your taxes to the IRS a felony. So much for peaceful protests.

Anonymous said...

I think that's right, Mike. People put nasty biohazardy materials in their tax packets before mailing them. Signed in blood or excrement.
A man upset with a U.S. official in Vietnam who would not let his wife emigrate here (no "essential skills," I guess) wrote a letter to his Congressman. He said if he ever met the official he "would want to cut his head off." He was so upset he bit his thumb and bled on the letter. His congressman, instead of helping resolve the stupid immigration issue, turned the letter over to the FBI, I think it was. The man's going to jail. It is unlikely he will see his wife there either.
They like to let things escalate to the point where citizens act in desperation, and then WHAM!
Those afraid of "getting in trouble could scan a teabag and email it. Xerox it and fax the xerox. Guaranteed anthrax-free. If your elected representative wants to pursue the matter, well, that'll just move us closer to the inevitable conclusion.
I think we all know the answer to "Got a permit to protest, citizen?" It's a LOUD answer.

Anonymous said...

I've given some thought to the term "revolution" and I believe it to be inappropriate.

The term that all of us should be using is REBELLION.

Anonymous said...


David Codrea said...

Straightarrow wins the kewpie doll. But WoG will still be "Notes from the Resistance".

Anonymous said...

A) Revolution
B) Resistance
C) Restoration
D) Rebellion
E) Republican

SAT-style question: which R-word does NOT belong?

Anonymous said...

Sorry folks, you just missed the Revolution. The Socialists and Communists have just taken over our country in a bloodless coup. If you want your LEGAL GOVERNMENT and YOUR FREEDOM back, we will need to push for a RESTORATION of our Republic. There is nothing wrong with the Constitution - the problem is that the current "government" does not abide by it.