Friday, March 27, 2009

We're the Only Ones Courting Enough

Recently County Commissioner Janet Rowland suggested that county employees might carry concealed handguns to improve security at the old county courthouse. [More]
Because everyone knows county employees are the "Only Ones" trustworthy enough to carry guns in courthouses. Although I might also nominate city building permit and state DMV clerks, especially the fat stupid ones who get off on their "authoritah".

Good grief.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not so sure that's a bad idea. Neither am I sure that she has any ulterior motives regarding others than county employees. County employees are just residents. They aren't law enforcement, they aren't politicians, just citizens. Ergo, if they are armed in the courthouse, how long could the prohibition stand against other citizens armed in the courthouse?

She may not have the authority to do anything about the general population, but county employees come under purview as county commisssioner. Every little bit helps.