Monday, March 30, 2009

We're the Only Ones Falsifying Enough

Sheriff Art Kell said, “I have enough to worry about with this other deputy stealing from the department to start an investigation over another deputy who may have falsified timesheets… until they break the law, I’m not going to get involved. I’ve had enough bad media press to deal with to start this up.” [More]
Good attitude, sheriff. Nice to know you require the highest integrity standards for the "Only Ones" you foist on the general public.

We've met the time cheat before. Remember? Nice to see he's worked so hard on being the best he can possibly be since then.

I meant to bring this story to you earlier, but got wrapped around the axle doing this.

When Avg Joe sent me this story, it jogged my memory.

[Via Luke]


Anonymous said...

your first link returns 'page not found'.

David Codrea said...

Sorry--fixed. Always try the title link too. On posts where I off-link, I put the url there, too.